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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Welcome to our family blog!

I've never tried blogging before so bare with me - this should be interesting!  A lot of teachers that I know have blogs for their families that are really cute so I thought it would be worth a try!  I don't have a lot to put on here right now but we're planning on having some more exciting posts in the future!  Here is a little more information about who this blog is about:

Rambo Wilson - Our 2 year old boxer-beagle mix we adopted when he was 8 weeks old in May 2009 (a week after we bought our house - we just couldn't wait to add a puppy to our family once we got out of our apartment!).  He is quite a handful and always entertaining and we love him to death!

Brandon Wilson - My wonderful husband who is currently working at Kinder-Morgan downtown and finishing his masters in Computer Information Systems from U of H Victoria in December 2011!

Madison Wilson - ME!  I work at a junior high in Katy as an 8th grade U.S. History teacher and I coach 8th grade C- team girls basketball (we just won the district championship this past season!) and tennis.  I am working on my masters in Curriculum and Instruction/Digital Learning from Abilene Christian University and I will finish in the Summer of 2012!

Brandon and Madison in front of their new house - May 2009

Rambo - October 2009 (at 7 mo.)